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Designed and Developed by EasyNoodle
Photocopier Contract Website

This Photocopier hire company in London needed a quick website that was simple to use and highlighed their range of copiers.
Hypnotherapy Website

Helena Meadows is a registered hypnotherapist. Helena's Hypnotherapy St. Albans Website uses Wordpress to provide a simple content management system. The site style is provided from a custom Wordpress template.
Association Website Re-design

Kingsley Association wanted to update their existing website as it was becoming outdated, 'heavy', and difficult to maintain.
The original site had a photo gallery and forum, both of which had become out of date. We replaced them with more recent alternatives and redesigned the site around Kingsley's new ideas and suggestions.
The photo gallery uses Coppermine open source gallery. We implemented a new front-end to interface and embed the Coppermine gallery, thus giving the visitors a cleaner and faster gallery.
The site also includes a member's-only forum. The original forum was replaced with MyBB and the old data transferred to the new forum.
Art Prize Website

Life Art Worldwide offers the largest art prize in the Southern Hemisphere. This Australian Art Prize website uses Wordpress to provide a simple content management system. The site style is provided from a custom Wordpress template. The site integrates with PayPal for payments.
Small Business Website Design

Emma of Cakerella gave us an outline design brief for her new website in Word format, and we fleshed it out into this full site.
Cakerella's site includes a gallery of photos that can be easily updated by simply dragging new pictures into a 'My Network Places' folder on Emma's Windows desktop - no special knowledge of web page code is necessary and there are no time consuming photo upload pages to bother with - just drag and drop.
Photo Gallery Website Design

Designed and developed for a Photographer in South West England. This site hosts the photographer's pictures from around the South West of the United Kingdom.
There are hundreds of pictures on Alan's site which are categorised so visitors can quickly drill down to specific images or browse various categories.
The customer logs onto an administration area and easily uploads new pictures, edits descriptions, rearranges the order of the gallery, etc. without needing to contact us when new material is ready to put on the site.
On-line Shop Design

Shopping Site of a well known educational supplier. At the client's request, the site was designed to ensure the shop's items were easy to modify and maintain. The client creates simple text files that contain information such as the title, description and price of items etc. The layout of items within a particular purchasing category are also defined in a simple text file. The shop uses these text files to automatically build the catalogue of items using the client's colour scheme, which is also defined in a simple text file that can be modified by the client at any time.
The customer liked the automatically generated menu so much that they asked for a version that could be used on their main website. The previous menu they were using had been developed off-shore but was found to be extremely time consuming and virtually impossible to work with when even slight modifications were desired. With our automatic menu, the client can now re-organise and modify their website as quickly as it takes to type the name of a button.
Shared Calendar Website Design

Shared Calendar/Shared Diary designed for a school located across remote sites and connected by a remote network link. Since many of the office staff are temps, the calendar was designed to be easy to use - users can immediately start working with it, with little to no training.
Alternatively available calendars and diaries required a great deal of configuring and administration to set up and maintain, whereas this calendar takes about 5 minutes to install on a web-server and is very easy to use. Specific dates are just 3-clicks away: click click click. There are no tedious date drop downs to navigate. The shared diary also allows text searching, with the last 5 searches remaining in a breadcrumb trail for quick access. Month, Week and Day views available.
Online Training

Online training courses for child protection training. This work in progress aims to be the easiest to use child protection training site - both for the trainer creating course material and the trainees and managers alike.
This site is specific for the field of child protection training.